Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Natural, Efficient, Easy To Make Deodorant Recipe you have been waiting for

I will just get to the point here. I have spent hundreds of dollars and years looking for something that works, only to realize I can make my own! So, here it is. Give it a try, save some money AND get a wonderful product!

No, this has nothing to do with bunnies other than the fact that its not tested on them, which is kinda huge.

All-Natural Deodorant
·         1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
·         1/4 cup baking soda
·         1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch
·         1 tablespoon Shea butter
·         15 drops of essential oils of choice (tea tree & wild orange for example. I recommend using tea tree as a base and adding wild orange, lavender, lemon or any other fragrance you like).

1.   Over a double boiler, melt coconut oil and Shea butter.
2.   Combine baking soda, and arrowroot/cornstarch in a mixing bowl.
3.   Add essential oils to coconut oil & Shea butter
4.   Mix dry and wet ingredients
5.   Let cool and transfer into deodorant containers

6.   Refrigerate for 15 minutes

Bunny Butt, Piggie Kisses and a Donkey

Sometimes all you need in life are the above three mentioned. Or below shown. Eleanor and I had the privileged of going to the Wishing Well Sanctuary near by, which is always the highlight of our month.
We get to see rescued animals and lovely people and be with our kin. The pure joy on her face sums it all up.

Support your local sanctuary please :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Outside Frolick

We love playing in the front yard just because it has a large tree that provides the lovliest of shades. Plus the sunlight dances through its leaves creating a relaxing and oh so delectable mood.  It doesnt hurt that the cute little squirrels are out too watching us.

As you can see, good times were had by all. I think Wayne also tried to play with the Tonka. He is such a house rabbit tho. He kept cleaning his paws.